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Slime Rancher (2017)

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Slime Rancher is a first person life simulation adventure video game developed and published by American indie studio Monomi Park. The game was released as an early access title in January 2016, with an official release on Windows, macOS, Linux and Xbox One on August 1, 2017. SRML (Slime Rancher Mod Loader) SRML (Slime Rancher Mod Loader) is a completely open source dual mod loader and modding framework for (you guessed it) Slime Rancher. Slime Rancher 2017 - FIRE STORMS EVERYWHERE!! - Let's Play Slime Rancher Gameplay - Duration: 26:19. SplatterCatGaming 9,756 views. Mix Play all Mix - SplatterCatGaming YouTube; Mewnbase. Slime Rancher is the tale of Beatrix LeBeau, a plucky, young rancher who sets out for a life a thousand light years away from Earth on the ‘Far, Far Range' where she tries her hand at.

Yesterday I stumbled through a bit more Slime Rancher. Just last weekend I officially completed the adventure mode, but I have by no means completed the game. At the end of the game you find out what has happened to the previous owner of the ranch, Hobson Twillgers. He also lets you know that he has left for you three vaults to find and open.

First things first – feed the pesky slimes!

I went in playing Slime Rancher yesterday with no real intention of what my next steps would be. However, my main idea is to get to the point where I feel that I have actually completed it. So, last time I was on I had been away from my ranch in the Glass Dessert for a long while, so my ranch needed some attention. First things first – feed the pesky slimes!

In the main ranch area I have two silos on the way to the wild ranch area with all of the chickens. I have three corrals – one for my rock / phosphor largo slimes, one for my rock / tabby largo slimes and one for my two lonely hunter slimes (they have a cuddly chicken to keep them company). I have a coop with some painted chickens and of course a rooster and two gardens for heart-shaped radishes and cuberries. I have realised that it is largely a waste to have two sets of largo slimes with the same mix, so one goal in general of mine is to change the whole of the ranch to have only largo slime and all with only one of each slime type.

For now though, the ranch is staying as it is. In the cave area I have some mosaic slimes and some crystal slimes. I also have an incinerator with five flame slimes and two gardens with silver parsnips (yum!) and some odd onions. I keep a lot of carrots ready in my silos to burn for my flame slimes as currently I never seem to have enough food for all my hungry hungry slimes.

In the research area I have two corrals with quantum slimes and honey slimes. I have a mint apple tree and pompom fruit tree and a quantum lemon tree. Three gardens for two plort type – again pretty inefficient.

In the wild undergrowth area I have two corrals for two sets of largo slimes – one for some pink / rad slimes and one for some boom / rad slimes. I have two fields of okra okras and of course a million chickens darting about hiding in the undergrowth.

Finally in the docks I have seven puddle slimes, three largo tangle / dervish slimes and five dervish slimes. I also have a tree of prickly pears. This area is again not too efficient, but with the amount of time that I end up staying away from the ranch and neglecting my poor slimes I can't really add a fourth type of slime into the area as the tangle slimes will turn into tarr and all hell with break loose! Feeding the slimes here and collecting and selling their plots got me thinking that having just two puddle slimes in a pond makes them look lonely… they need a couple more friends!

One thing I have nearly completely neglected in the game so far is finding all of the treasure pods. I had read that there was one behind the research facility and low and behold – there it is! Upon opening it I realised why I had looked it up – It contains one of those lovely rare items – the diamond. Next though – new warp device (did a little backflip in celebration in my head!). Went straight to the front of the facility, loaded in the new items and built a blue teleporter.

I knew straight away where the teleporter needed to be placed – the glass dessert. I already have one teleport that goes to the very start of the Ancient Ruins – just before the first switch. So I used this to dart across the map. I have memorised the little route that I have been using to get to the glass dessert, having visited it so many times now how could I not! So, down the steps halfway, switch the trigger, through the opened door. Hover over to the opposite side of the next room to the switch, toggle it and go back to the door immediately to the right of the one I had just entered. Across the pond and up the ramp. Go to the right and jump across the platforms take a left and hover to the middle of the map. Jump up a broken wall that doesn't look like it is the intended purpose. Hover over to the closed door. Hover over the door (pointless door!) why is it there if you can just jump it?! Jump down and run to the portal to home. Ignore that, down the steps and through the slime door. Hop onto the teleporter and into the Glass Dessert we go!

I knew straight away where the teleporter needed to be placed – the glass dessert.


Now, where to put the other half of the teleport (I placed one half before leaving of course, right next to the research facility). Ok, now I can check all of my advanced collectors… and on with the task of transferring the raw materials back home. Easy peasy! My next though went back to the lonely little puddle slimes. They really need some friends. Now, I have no idea where they are in the rest of the map and i'm sure I would be able to find them, but I love the Glass Dessert and know exactly where they are here.

So, off to the end of the Glass Dessert we go and towards one of my lovely and lush ancient watered oasis. Weird thing happened when I got to the area with the puddle slimes. They were the only slimes to sporn there. Luckily for me they were exactly what I was looking for. So vacuuming up my favourite little puddly slimes I made my way back to the ranch. Only one issue, what is the g damn route out of here! It took me about 10 mins to make my way back on what should have been about a 2 minute journey. Got there in the end! Back to home. Give my little puddle slimes some friends and add to my flame slime collection with one more (5 total).

Now, time to rest Miss Beatrix LeBeau. Sleep.. and then sleep… wait a sec… did I just accidentally sleep two days… my slimes are not going to be happy! Off I go again feeding the slimes and collecting plots. The whole routine, depending on the number of days I have been away takes about two slime rancher days. But, I have made enough money for my next zRewards purchase – the Ultra Dash Boots! Oh what a joy, you can run across the whole end to end of the ranch in one foul swoop! This gives me an idea… time to try and find the missing gored slimes.

Slime Rancher 2019

I set out into the [edit] main area in the hope of finding one. Found a couple of hidden treasure pods and kerching! One of the vaults… I have no key to open it, but I have found one of the vaults! Of course I could just look up on the Slime Rancher wiki where to find all of the gored slimes and all of the vaults, but the real fun that I have with slime rancher is just running around and finding new areas. For example I managed to hover from the pink area to the purple area in one jump and find a whole new part of the purple area. It wasn't anywhere that would't have been easy to find just by getting there using the usual route. But, it was just cool! All of those upgrades were paying off.

When I got to the purple area I searched around and realised I had none of the slime Keyes from here and about 2 treasure pods. Really. None of the keys. What have I been doing! Having been back there in the past just to collect specific slimes and only really ever finding the bear number of slime Keyes there where whole sections of this area I hadn't even set foot in! So, when they had said I completed adventure mode. Sure, I completed adventure mode. But, I am nowhere near to completing Slime Rancher. May the adventure continue for a long while to come!


Image courtesy of

This week I have mostly been playing Slime Rancher.Looks colourful doesn't it?At first glance it looks like a kids game, right?WRONG!!!Slime Rancher is the most brutal depiction of capitalism that I have ever seen.If you ask me, this game should really have been named Western Culture Simulator… 2017.

Slime Rancher 2019 Update


Now, where to put the other half of the teleport (I placed one half before leaving of course, right next to the research facility). Ok, now I can check all of my advanced collectors… and on with the task of transferring the raw materials back home. Easy peasy! My next though went back to the lonely little puddle slimes. They really need some friends. Now, I have no idea where they are in the rest of the map and i'm sure I would be able to find them, but I love the Glass Dessert and know exactly where they are here.

So, off to the end of the Glass Dessert we go and towards one of my lovely and lush ancient watered oasis. Weird thing happened when I got to the area with the puddle slimes. They were the only slimes to sporn there. Luckily for me they were exactly what I was looking for. So vacuuming up my favourite little puddly slimes I made my way back to the ranch. Only one issue, what is the g damn route out of here! It took me about 10 mins to make my way back on what should have been about a 2 minute journey. Got there in the end! Back to home. Give my little puddle slimes some friends and add to my flame slime collection with one more (5 total).

Now, time to rest Miss Beatrix LeBeau. Sleep.. and then sleep… wait a sec… did I just accidentally sleep two days… my slimes are not going to be happy! Off I go again feeding the slimes and collecting plots. The whole routine, depending on the number of days I have been away takes about two slime rancher days. But, I have made enough money for my next zRewards purchase – the Ultra Dash Boots! Oh what a joy, you can run across the whole end to end of the ranch in one foul swoop! This gives me an idea… time to try and find the missing gored slimes.

Slime Rancher 2019

I set out into the [edit] main area in the hope of finding one. Found a couple of hidden treasure pods and kerching! One of the vaults… I have no key to open it, but I have found one of the vaults! Of course I could just look up on the Slime Rancher wiki where to find all of the gored slimes and all of the vaults, but the real fun that I have with slime rancher is just running around and finding new areas. For example I managed to hover from the pink area to the purple area in one jump and find a whole new part of the purple area. It wasn't anywhere that would't have been easy to find just by getting there using the usual route. But, it was just cool! All of those upgrades were paying off.

When I got to the purple area I searched around and realised I had none of the slime Keyes from here and about 2 treasure pods. Really. None of the keys. What have I been doing! Having been back there in the past just to collect specific slimes and only really ever finding the bear number of slime Keyes there where whole sections of this area I hadn't even set foot in! So, when they had said I completed adventure mode. Sure, I completed adventure mode. But, I am nowhere near to completing Slime Rancher. May the adventure continue for a long while to come!


Image courtesy of

This week I have mostly been playing Slime Rancher.Looks colourful doesn't it?At first glance it looks like a kids game, right?WRONG!!!Slime Rancher is the most brutal depiction of capitalism that I have ever seen.If you ask me, this game should really have been named Western Culture Simulator… 2017.

Slime Rancher 2019 Update

We play the part of Beatrix LeBeau, a plucky young rancher who sets out for life a thousand light years away on the far far range, where she proceeds to throw the entire population of an alien planet into slavery for monetary gain!She has absolutely no chill!

At the start of the game we start with nothing but a small farm house and a vacpac gun which we use to rip the adorable little alien slimes away from their homes and family, before shooting them into a cage so we can sell their poop for money.Yep, you heard me right, we're enslaving an entire planet of aliens so we can sell their poop.

The game follows the standard life/business sim formula.Make money – upgrade shit – make more money – upgrade more shit.Slavery has never been so much fun.As far as progression goes you can upgrade plots on your ranch with bigger slave cages, gardens and chicken coops to grow food for your slime slaves…Slime Slaves ain't gonna poop if they don't eat!There are also a number of expansions you can purchase for your ranch just in case you fancy giving your slime slaves a change of scenery.

The real fun in this game for me was cross breeding slime slaves.When you do this you get an adorable giant slime slave that combines the attributes of both slime slaves and produces poop of both types.Double poop profit!And how do you breed said slime slaves I hear you ask?!You feed one type of slime slave the poop from another of course.How else?!

Slime Rancher is still in early access and content is being delivered at regular intervals.At the moment there isn't much end game content and once you have everything unlocked there really isn't much reason reason to return at present.But I do find myself coming back so enslave slimes and sell poop everytime there is a content update.

Beatrix LeBeau is one of the most evil gaming characters I have ever encountered, I give her and slime rancher 10/10 capitalisms – would enslave again.

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